
Police crack down on playing of loud music

By: Bob Darden , Staff Writer

Motorists whose cars go thump-a-bump may find themselves going to court to defend the loud noise.

The Greenwood Police Department has begun paying more attention to noise polluters in the city.

Greenwood City Councilman David Jordan of Ward 6 has specifically asked Police Chief Henry Harris about enforcement of the city's noise ordinance.

Jordan has received a growing number of complaints about the problem from residents in his south Greenwood ward.
As the day gives way to afternoon, the boom gets louder, the councilman said.

Harris said eight to 10 officers work each shift and that six or seven of them are assigned to patrol south Greenwood.

Police officers have issued citations for loud music during the last few months, but Harris promised a stronger effort to silence the noise violators.

"This is something we're doing all the time. Tuesday's meeting was a reminder to focus more attention on it," Harris said.

Police officers have a lot of discretion on what constitutes disturbing the peace - the violation that goes along with maximizing the bass booster.

An officer can issue a citation or make an arrest depending on the circumstances.

"It's at the officer's discretion. If it's a repeat offender, an arrest may be made," Harris said.

An arrest would require the violator to post a $1,000 bond before release. If that person is convicted, the fine varies, the police chief said.

The aim is to get the streets quiet, the chief said. That might mean making a few arrests to get the attention of some motorists and residents.

"When there's noise, whether its coming from your car or your house and it's disturbing to others, you're in violation," Harris said. "We're going to get you to cooperate one way or another," he said.